How times change.

A friend sent me a photocopy of a Huddersfield Town programme from 1940 and the advertisements capture the age perfectly.

The match was against West Ham on May 18, with Alf Young as centre half and skipper.

John Headey says: “Much later, Alf was the groundsman at Woodfield Park in the days when it was exclusively the Borough Police Sports facility. He was also scouting for Sunderland and I was the youngest player in the Huddersfield Police team.

"He used to watch the games and I was a fleet-footed, overlapping full back. I thought he was going to get me a trial at Roker Park!

"Ah, the dreams of youth.”

The programme includes nostalgic adverts for Bradley and Co of Marsden (“drinks of perfection”), Gibson’s tripe, available at their Beast Market restaurant, and Ernest Clough of Westgate House who sold Burberry raincoats for two guineas. Try and get one today at that price.

Barker’s Corner House specialised in Meccano and Hornby, and made-to measure-suits were available from Hopson Brothers of Longroyd Bridge.

Today, supporters might have a pint or three on the way to the game, but it seemed to be a more leisured pursuit 74 years ago.

The Pack Horse Hotel offered before match luncheon and after match tea. “Ring up,” said the ad.

The phone number was 314, so you can tell how many phones there were in Huddersfield.

The Princess Picture House suggested fans take tea in their restaurant after the game.

The George Hotel boasted it was “replete with every comfort” and had a restaurant and grill, American Bar and Tudor Bar, while the Queen’s Hotel said their food was “the best obtainable”.

Gledhill’s of Pack Horse Yard said: “You are sure of a good meal at a reasonable price.” Which sounds more like it.

L Couser, optician of Chapel Hill, said: “Don’t abuse the referee – come and see us”, so some things never change.

There was a reminder that the match was taking place during the Second World War: “In the event of an air raid warning being given during the progress of a match, all persons are requested either to leave the ground in an orderly manner or to take shelter beneath the stands.”

I wonder if the sirens ever did go off during a game?

Whether they did or not, it gives you pause for thought about the safety of today that we take for granted.