Permission has been granted for a former Linthwaite pub to be turned into a tea room, an office and two flats.

A succession of landlords and landladies have tried to make a go of the Coach and Horses on Manchester Road but to no avail.

Now handyman-cum-businessman Grant Calcraft’s mother Helga Smith has successfully applied for change of use from public house to mixed use to create a tea room and an office for his business on the ground floor and two flats on the first floor.

A design and access statement said: “The public house ceased to be in February 2017 when it became financially unviable – it had been put onto the open market in September 2016.

“Management/running of the pub had changed hands a lot over the last few years when different people tried to make the business a success but were unable to do so.

“The applicant purchased the property in March 2017. The proposal is to make the floor space accessed off Manchester Road into a team room in one half and an office for the applicant’s business in the other.

“The former living quarters will be made into two flats with an additional flat on the lower floor and beer cellar and storage to remain as a storage area.”

Mr Calcraft declined to comment saying people were too “nosey”.”