Members of the Crosland Moor Mothers’ Union from St Barnabas’ Church celebrated Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel. The celebrant was the Rev Jenni Honeyman, assisted by Eucharistic Minister Andrea Rattigan and Bible passages were read by Alwyn Hallas. Afterwards in the Parish Hall the monthly meeting was chaired by the Branch Leader Joyce Holdsworth, who then introduced the speaker Charles Cartwright, a partner in Dixon’s Ice Cream business. Mr Cartwright gave a very interesting talk about how he started working at the age of 13 making ice lollies and has now been with the firm 40 years having been made a partner many years ago. Valerie Donoghue proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Cartwright and members were given a free tub of ice cream to enjoy before the end of the meeting. The hostesses were Margaret Sigsworth and Brenda Whittaker.


Morning worship at Golcar Providence Methodist church commenced with the call to worship by the duty steward Janice Swallow, who also gave the opening prayers. Lessons were read by Barbara Armitage and Liz Bishop, and it was a pulpit exchange for the Golcar Churches Together, so the address was given by the Rev Chris Thompson from the Baptist Church. Peter Bishop led the prayers of intercession and the organist was Granville Brook.

The Rev Janet Sargent was welcomed as the leader and celebrant for the parish communion service at St John’s Church. Readings were given by Helen Walinkse-Kielle and Roger Hanson. As part of the Churches Together Project the Rev Pam Ward gave the gospel reading from Luke 19, verses 1-10, about Zacchaeus the tax collector on which the Rev Pam based her address. Prayers were led by Helen Davis and Ann Norton was organist. Sunday Club acted the story of Zacchaeus with many visual aids and had made trees and a cut-out of Zacchaeus. Sunday Youth made a model of a tree with green leaves depicting new life for Zacchaeus after meeting Jesus.

The Sunday service at Golcar Baptist Church was conducted by Michelle Thompson who gave the children’s address. Organist was Calinda Stockhill and the pianist Chris Woodhead. The reader was Noreen Haigh and the address was given by Helen Bentley, lay reader from St John’s.


Mr Ian Kitchin led worship at Linthwaite Methodist Church on Sunday morning, and in his children’s address related how when he sees things in threes – that he always thought about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – the Trinity. The children then left to go to Junior Church with their leaders, Ed Archer-Siddall, Diane Loftus and Andrea Morley. Lesley Baxter read from Proverbs 29, Ian using one verse as the theme for his sermon, where five members of the congregation were asked to read the same verse from Proverbs 29 v 18a, from different translations of the Bible – which all gave different meanings, and messages. Mr Kitchin concluded his address saying that while theologians and academics could play around with the word, the faith and love of God was unchanged. Mrs Julia Kitchin read from 2 Timothy 2 v14-19 – A workman approved by God. Mr Ian Baxter led the prayers of intercession, Mrs Linda Nuttall was the organist and Mr Peter Stead operated the audio visual equipment.

On his last day in the parish at Christ Church, the Rev Julian Perkins led both the morning and evening services. He celebrated Holy Communion preached and prayed and gave a blessing. At the end of the service the church wardens thanked him for the work he had done in his three years service and presented him with an icon picture, CD of the community resurrection choir and gift token. He also received a picture from the junior church children. In the evening, members of St Barnabas’ choir and congregation attended the service and the Rev Jenni Honeyman gave a farewell appreciation of the Rev Perkins’ time with us. Refreshments were later served in church. Earlier in the day the Rev Jenni Honeyman baptised Evie Kate and Molly Grace Durden.


The Sung Eucharist at St Mark’s Church on the fourth Sunday before Advent was led by parish priest, the Rev Canon Martyn Crompton. The organist was Phil Turner. Before the ceremony Martyn announced that the Ecumenical Cross shared by the Churches Together in the Lower Colne Valley, had been returned for the next three months to be on display together with the prayer card. This event took place one week earlier than announced. The Introit hymn, Who Would True Valour See, was followed with introductory prayers. Subsequently two Bible readings, from Isaiah and Thessalonians were given by Judith Pearson. The Gospel from St Luke was read by Martyn and was followed by his sermon, which referred to sections from both the lessons and the Gospel. He emphasised the fact that Jesus forgave all sinners, and that the Christian calling is to see beyond appearances and become channels of God’s love by accepting all people. The Nicene Creed was followed by Intercession prayers, prepared and presented by Judith Pearson. Sharing of the peace saw the children return from Sunday school with leader Charles Ross for the remainder of the service. For Communion, Martyn was assisted, as server, by David Verlander. The recessional hymn We have a Gospel to Proclaim brought the service to an end.

Around 20 people attended Monday Club, in the Parish Centre for games of Bingo arranged by Dorothy Heads. This was followed by a buffet meal to celebrate the 90th birthday of Irene Haigh. The meal was prepared by Jane Venables, and a sherry toast and rousing singing of Happy Birthday. An attractive birthday cake was cut into separate pieces for everyone to take away.


Sunday morning worship at the United Church was led by the Rev Jo Archer-Siddall, and included Holy Communion. Marjorie Boothroyd was the organist.

All Saints Day at St Bartholomew’s Church was celebrated with a procession and service of Holy Communion. The Rev Geoff Garside officiated, assisted by licensed reader Joan Biggs. David Corps read the lessons. Prayers were offered by Christine Garside and Simon Crook was the organist. Sidesmen were Enid and David Ackroyd and Audrey Armitage. Coffee was served by Mary Horn, Joan Ladbrooke and Jean Pennington. A service for All Souls was held.

The Operatic Society’s production of Summer Holiday was very successful and well received.

The Christmas Fayre will be held in the hall on Saturday November 27 and will be opened by the junior church at 11am. There will be plenty of stalls and delicious lunches will be available.

The Christmas Concert in church on Saturday December 18 at 7.30pm will feature Marsden Silver Prize Band and Colne Valley Male Voice Choir. Soloist will be Diane Robinson and compete will be Peter Armitage. Tickets at £8 (children £5) are available from band, choir, church and Duncan’s Hairdresser, Warehouse Hill, Marsden. Telephone 845311 (shop hours only).


At the Milnsbridge Christadelphian Hall on Tuesday, October 26, Mrs Patricia Charlesworth presided at the Sister’s Class and Mrs Sandra Moulson spoke about Eve, the mother of all Living and Mrs Margaret Stevenson, spoke on Mary, the handmaid of God. On Wednesday at the bible class, Mr Giovanni Marsella presided and Mr Kevin Waterhouse gave a talk on Foundations of Faith. On Thursday evening the Bible Seminar Group assembled for Bible reading and discussion led by Mr Martin Spencer. Last Sunday Mr Mike Tanner, of Macclesfield, talked on Coming to Terms with the Devil.


A Drop-in Lunch was held at Parkwood Methodist Church on Wednesday. Menu: Shepherd’s Pie, Yorkshire pudding, buttered cabbage and carrots, jam sponge, apple sponge, apple crumble and custard, coffee or tea. It was organised by Barbara Rushforth and Freda Lloyd, assisted by ladies of the church.

Marion Lloyd welcomed the congregation to Parkwood Methodist Church on Sunday morning. Guest preacher was Judith Robinson, presenting a special service for All Saint’s Day with readings and hymns, organist was Kenneth Rothery. A faith lunch was held after the service organised by ladies of the church.


On Thursday at Slaithwaite Good Companions Pauline Ayre introduced Sarah, an Avon representative, gave a brief history of the company from its start. Members were then able to buy goods, some of their specials, or place an order. They were given free samples and she donated several things for the weekly raffle. She was thanked by Patricia Parkinson and Pauline was the pianist.

St James’ Parish Church Holy Communion service was conducted by the Rev Robin Townsend. On this day, October 31 1980, 30 years ago, Rev Robin was inducted as vicar of the parish. He will have so many events in the life of the church and celebrations to remember as the congregation ha – marriages, births and christenings, confirmations and thanksgivings for lives in the community and many special events. He was assisted by Raymond Denton. The lesson from Isaiah, chapter 65 – The New Creation – was read by Peter Gilbert. The Holy Gospel from St Luke, chapter 9 from verse 18 was read by Rev Robin and his address for All Saints Day was on the value of celebrating the saints and people who live saintly lives. Quoting from Canon Hulbert, a previous incumbent, and his book The Annals of the Church of Slaithwaite, about the various vicars from the 1780s who have made an impact in the church. Robin also led the prayers. After the service there were sherry and cake and coffee. Jean Clayton, the church warden proposed a vote of thanks to Robin and proposed a toast to him. The organist was Alvi Whitehead.

Slaithwaite Methodists WI held their annual visit to the ten pin bowling club, when a party of 12 enjoyed 2 game of bowls followed by a basket supper. The evening had been arranged by Sheila and Alan Dyson.

Slaithwaite Methodist Women’s Fellowship meeting was led by Anne Walker with prayer and readings. She had arranged a Beetle Drive which was greatly enjoyed and Anne was the winner with the highest score. Maureen Weaving was the pianist and tea and cakes were provided by the rota ladies. A bring- and- buy stall was manned by Barbara Clay

Sunday morning worship at Slaithwaite Methodist Church was an own arrangement day and was led by church steward Mary Mather, reading verses from Psalm 100. John Scott read from Lamentations and Gordon Ellis from the first letter of John. Mary’s theme was accepting responsibility. Rachel Wybrew was welcomed and thanked as the pianist for the hymn singing. Members and friends of the church met together on Monday evening to watch the Jane Austen film Emma starring Kate Beckinsdale. The evening had been arranged by Jennifer Twycross.