Members of Crosland Moor Mothers’ Union celebrated Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel of St Barnabas’ Church. The celebrant was the Rev Martin Parrott assisted by server Andrea Rattigan and readings of a psalm and a passage from the New Testament were given by Elaine Broadley. Afterwards the monthly meeting was held in the Parish Hall, chaired by the Branch Leader Joyce Holdsworth. After a short business session, Mrs Holdsworth introduced the speaker Hilary Pollard, the Mothers’ Union chairman of the Almondbury Deanery, who gave a very interesting talk entitled Mothers' Union Members In The Bible. Mrs Pollard then proceeded to show the similarity between the duties of the women mentioned in the bible and the duties of Mothers Union members. Margaret Morelli proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Pollard and the hostesses were Margaret Sigsworth and Brenda Whittaker. After the meeting finished, five members were photographed, along with a display of Teddies for Tragedies, by the Examiner photographer, to publicise the achievement of making and dispatching 3,000 teddies.


Betty Taylor welcomed the congregation to the Worship in Today’s World service at St John’s Church and led the prayers. The reading from Roman’s 14, verses 1-12 was given by Marion Hall. Helen Davis and Nora Beaumont then discussed the topic of the service which was “Is there a right way to worship?”. Members of the congregation joined the discussion which soon highlighted the freedom of choice that individuals have in terms of where, when and how they worship. Ann Norton was the pianist. Sunday Club and Sunday Youth talked about worship and God being everywhere and caring for everyone.

In the evening the Rev Canon Martyn Crompton led a service of thanksgiving for departed loved ones. The Rev Chris Thompson gave a reading from Romans 8 entitled More Than Conquerors and John 20, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. During the service members of the congregation were invited to light a candle in memory of a loved one. Margaret Laycock was the organist. Afterwards refreshments were served in the community room.


A Very Belated Honeymoon was the title Mrs Margaret Moriarty gave to her talk to the Linthwaite Methodist Thursday Fellowship.Twenty-seven years after their marriage Margaret and Brian enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime holiday to Australia and New Zealand, calling at Singapore on the way. Frequently travelling by train they saw new places and met up with old friends. Margaret’s talk was illustrated with beautiful pictures, well displayed on the church AV system. Peggy MacKay was the chairlady and Jennifer Baxter the pianist. Refreshments were provided by Margaret Tennant and Doreen Liversidge. Following the meeting, members added their names to the list for the next meeting in two weeks time which will be lunch at the Golcar Lily, meeting at the church at 12.30pm.

Michael Early led morning worship at Linthwaite Methodist, Linda Nuttall was the organist and William Morrison operated the audio visual equipment. Prior to their leaving the service for Junior Church, Mr Early spoke to the young people about ‘Looking forward to Christmas.’ The Junior Church leaders were Diane Loftus, Joanna Ambler, Ed Archer-Siddall and Andrea Morley. Wendy Hallas read Psalm 70 – A petition for the Director of Music, David –- Sue Howard read Amos 5 verses 18-24 – where Amos observes people and then condemns them – and the last reading read by Michael was Matthew 25 verses 1-13 – the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids. The theme of Michael’s sermon was ‘God was in Christ, reconciling the World to himself.’


On the third Sunday before Advent at St Mark’s Church, the sung Eucharist Service was led by guest celebrant, the Rev Janet Sargent. Server was Pat Jessop and organist Phil Turner. In addition to her welcome and prayers, Janet said that the service was very special because the Sunday school members, who were already present with leader Joan Morton, had chosen the hymns and also written prayers for Intercession. The opening hymn Shine Jesus Shine featured the children demonstrating the actions and clapping. Prayers of Preparation and Penitence were followed by the singing of The Gloria. Bible readings from Amos and Thessalonians, were read by Mark Gregory and Janet Watson. The gradual hymn was Kumbaya and then the Gospel was read by Janet who then continued with her talk, based on All the Saints, in which she was assisted by Sunday school children Rosie, Grace, Caitlin, Blake, Lotti and Sophie. Intercession prayers were written and presented by members of the same group. To introduce the sharing of the peace, Janet persuaded the Sunday school children to shout “Peace be with you”. The offertory hymn, Siyahamba with additional accompaniment by the congregation with maracas and tambourines led to the Communion part of the service. Parish priest Canon Martyn Crompton joined the service to present books of Bible stories to the children for their regular attendance at Sunday school. The recessional hymn You Shall Go Out With Joy was followed by the children shouting in chorus “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord” thus bringing the service to an end.

On Sunday evening, in the Parish and Community Centre the annual St Mark’s Pathfinders group held their evening meal for parishioners and friends helped by their leaders Reg, Michelle and Graham. Next Sunday will be the annual Remembrance Service.


On Sunday, morning worship at the United Church, Marsden was led by Mrs Wendy Blackburn, whose service was based on the theme of change. The bible readings were by Jean Broome and Brian Cowgill. The organist was Marjorie Boothroyd. After the service tea and coffee was served by Sheila Butters and Jean Dewdney. On the first Friday of November Little People Praise was held for children of pre-school age, parents and carers. It will continue on the first Friday of month, the next one being on Friday, December 2. Doors open at 9.30am for 10am start. Refreshments served, please come along and join in the fun.

Family Service with a difference was held at St Bartholomew’s on Sunday morning, when the congregation welcomed the clown priest Roly Bain from Bristol. He performed circus tricks and told the stories The Jester’s Tale and A Bit of Needle which were entertaining for all the congregation, especially the children who eagerly participated, as well as getting across the Christian message. The church also welcomed visitors from other parishes in the Colne Valley. Simon Crook and the Worship Group arranged the service. The lesson from 1 Corinthians Chapter 1 was read by Audrey Armitage. Julie Corps and children from the Junior Church read the prayers. Sidesmen were Joan Ladbrooke, Mary Horn and Jean Pennington.Coffee was served in the hall by David and Richard. A service of Holy Communion was held afterwards.

On Saturday November 26, the church Christmas Fayre will be held in the hall from 11am. The openers are Mr and Mrs P Armitage. There will be plenty of stalls and lunches will be served by the Operatic Society.

On Saturday December 17 a Christmas Concert will be held in church at 7.30pm, featuring Marsden Silver Prize Band and Colne Valley Male Voice Choir with Rowena Burton (mezzo soprano). Compère will be Peter Armitage. Tickets – adults £8 and children £5 – are available from Duncan’s Hairdresser, Warehouse Hill, Marsden tel. 845311 (shop hours only) the Choir, Marsden Bandroom (telephone 844461) and the church. There will be refreshments and a raffle.

On Saturday November 19, there will be a concert for the Poppy Appeal at Marsden British Legion by the Yorkshire Avalanche Dodgers. Tickets at £5, including supper, are available from Duncan’s


At the Milnsbridge Christadelphians on Sunday evening, following a family tea, Paul Rose presided at the meeting. The speaker was Darren Storey from Birmingham who gave a talk entitled The Prize. The coffee morning reading group met on Tuesday at 10.30 to read and discuss the Bible readings for the day. Giovanni Marsella presided at the Bible class on Wednesday evening, when Jeremy Kirby gave a presentation on Mountains in the Bible, compiled from information gathered at the study group the previous week. The subject for the evening lecture at 6pm on Sunday November 13 is “What must we do to be saved?” On Wednesday November 16 at 7.30pm the subject is “The two covenants.” Visitors are most welcome to all meetings and talks.


A drop in lunch was held at Parkwood Methodist church on Wednesday, organised by Sheila Swain and Robin Whittam. Menu - pork steak, boiled potatoes and green beans, toffee apple crumble, rice pudding, syrup sponge, apple pie with custard or cream, tea or coffee. Ladies of the church assisted. The uniformed organisations of Parkwood Methodist church organised the annual bonfire evening at Parkwood Road, with Pirates of the Caribbean firework display plus refreshments.

Marion Lloyds welcomed the congregation to Parkwood Methodist Church on Sunday morning. Preacher was the Rev Pam Ward, organist Kenneth Rothery, visual aids Joe Lloyd and Anne Ivy. Coffee was served after the service by Margaret Noble and Enid Coulson.

Future dates at Parkwood Methodist church, Saturday, November 12, breakfast 9.30am-12noon. Saturday, November 19, craft fair, 10am-4pm. Refreshments all day. Sunday, November 20, Messy Church for children at 10.30am.


Slaithwaite Good Companions on Thursday was introduced by Patricia Parkinson. The speaker was Betty France, who told about the National Memorial Arboretum, near Lichfield – a place many of the members had never even heard of. It was the idea of Padre Graham Childs of Birmingham, and now covers 150 acres of land which was formerly a quarry and donated by the company who owned it. Opened in 1999 by the Duchess of Kent, there are now 160 memorial gardens, both military and civil, a wooden chapel and a visitors centre. The main stone memorial lists all who have died in service since World War II. Army veteran Betty has made 12 visits and describes it as a peaceful heaven of remembrance. it is disabled friendly. It was featured on Country File on Sunday so members were able to get an idea of this wonderful place. She was thanked by Hilary Ellis. A birthday to celebrate this week was Madge Joy. The pianist was Maureen Weaving.

St James Parish Church Holy Communion Service and Baptism was led by the Rev Robin Townsend, assisted by Raymond Denton. The little one to be christened was five-month-old Evelyne Victoria, daughter of Christopher Morris and Kerys Louise Lambert. The address and prayers were given by the Rev Robin and this was followed by Holy Communion and blessings. The organist was Alvy Whitehead.

The Christian Service section of the Wesley Guild was in charge of the meeting on Thursday evening last. Roger Mitchell was in the chair and led prayers. He welcomed Colin Pattenden and his wife, wardens at the Westwood Christian Centre. Colin told of his work in community mission whilst he was stationed in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Roger thanked him for a very interesting evening and supper was served by the committee ladies. The Rev Jo Archer-Siddal led the Sunday morning service at the Methodist Church. The theme of her sermon was the Kingdom of God and the journey we are on towards this goal. Gordon Ellis read from Matthew 25, Wendy Redfearn was the organist. In the evening the church was filled to capacity for the Recognition Service for two newly qualified lay preachers Wendy Blackburn of Slaithwaite and Liz Bishop of Linthwaite. The service was led by the Rev David Bidnell and prayers were said by Judith Robinson. Jean Barraclough, Rev Jo Archer-Siddal and the Rev Colin Vere read bible passages, Winifred Ellis was the soloist accompanied by Shirley Scott on the piano and the sermon was given by the Rev Richard Oldroyd. David Brook read a letter of welcome from London to Wendy and Liz and presented them each with books of worship and meditation. Holy Communion was served by the Rev Jo Archer-Siddal and the Rev Pam Ward which brought to a close this memorable service. The organist for the evening was Wendy Redfearn.

The bible study group met on Monday evening and read Matthew Chapter 8 followed by discussion on the miracle that Jesus performed. Sandra Dalton led the study group.