Mrs Christine Heeley welcomed everyone to the 2nd Sunday Service in Advent at Providence Methodist Church. Advent candles were lit by Mrs N Meadows and Mrs S Pearson. The Rev Pam Ward led the service on the theme ‘The Christmas Tree and its decorations’, and was helped by Abigail and Grace. Mr D Austin played the organ and refreshments were served afterwards in the schoolroom. A Christmas Tree Festival was held at the Methodist Church on Friday,Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday there was Breakfast with Santa, where the children met Santa and received a present. Refreshments were served all day and various stalls sold gifts. On Sunday afternoon a service was held in memory of loved ones. Rev Pam Ward led the service, with readings given by Mrs E Bishop, Rev H Gwinnnett and Rev Chris Thompson from the three Golcar churches. The service was supported by The Taylor Funeral Home.

Margaret Laycock led the Worship in Today’s World service at St John’s Church. The theme of the service was Advent and Anticipation. A reading of the Magnificat was given by Helen Davis and a poem The Ballad of the Breadman by Charles Corlsey was read by Nore Beaumont. Betty Taylor gave a talk on the real meaning of Christmas and the caring and sharing for others. Andrea France led the prayers and Ann Norton was the organist. Sunday Club and Youth had been involved with Christmas activities.


Jez Hackett led worship at Linthwaite Methodist Church on the second Sunday in Advent, which was the Annual Toy Service and Sunday School Prizegiving, with his chosen theme – Sharing. John Morrison read from Luke 12 verses 13-21 – The Parable of the Rich Fool.

Members of the Huddersfield Circuit of Methodist Women in Britain met at the Huddersfield Methodist Mission for their annual Carol Service. Following coffee and mince pies the service was led by the Chairman Lesley Baxter. Organists were Glenys Vere and Jean Delaney and members of the congregation took part in reading, singing and a short sketch. The floral decoration was by Christine Robinson.

Linthwaite Methodist Church’s Thursday Fellowship held its Christmas meeting with Margaret Tennant in the chair and Jenny Baxter on the piano. The speaker was Kimm Brooke from Holmfirth who guided everyone towards writing down an early Christmas memory. She illustrated her talk with appropriate illustrations. Several members read out their contribution to the whole meeting. Seasonal refreshments were served by Margaret Moriarty and Sheila Wilson. The next meeting is on January 3 when the speaker will be John Daniel, a retired policeman


Church members Ruth and Edward Sheldrake led Morning Worship at the United Church Marsden on Sunday. Naomi Hemingway lit the two Advent Candles. There were readings by Jean Broome, Margaret Casson and Norman Dias. The organist was Chris Cook. After the service a cooked lunch of Christmas fare was served. Arrangements for the lunch had been made by Marjorie Boothroyd.

A service of Sung Eucharist for Advent 2 was held at St Bartholomew's, led by the vicar, the Rev Geoff Garside. The children lit the second Advent candle and during the service took part in the All Age Nativity, when everyone is invited to be in costume. The lessons from Malachi 3 v1-4 and Philippians 4 v4-7 were read by Andrew Stead. Prayers were led by Christine Garside. The organist was John Wilson. Sideswomen were Susan Everill and Jean Pennington. Coffee was served by David Corps, Richard Webb and Stuart Clark. In the evening Wakefield Cathedral Choir gave a Christmas Concert in church and afterwards supper was served.

Saturday December 15 12-30pm for 1pm: a Christmas Lunch in the Hall. Four courses and sherry £10 by ticket only available from Carolyn Hansom Tel 844660. Sunday 16th 9-30am All Age Worship. 4pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols jointly with United Church. Saturday 22nd 7-30pm in church Christmas Concert with Marsden Silver Prize Band and Colne Valley Male Voice Choir. Soloist Sarah Ogden (soprano). Compere Peter Armitage . Tickets £8 adults £5 children available from Duncan, Hairdresser, Warehouse Hil, Marsden Tel 845311(shop hours only) or at the Door.


At the Milnsbridge Christadelphians’ coffee morning the reading group met on Tuesday morning to read and discuss the Bible. In the evening there was a special Christmas celebration at the sister’s class. Call His Name Jesus, was the theme. Margaret Stevenson led the meeting and Susan Hackett played the organ. The evening, which consisted of festive hymns, Bible readings, poems and short talks was enjoyed by all.

At the Bible class on Wednesday evening Pete Barrett led the meeting, with Paul Rose giving the talk on “ Lay aside every weight,” which was based on Hebrews chapter 12.

The Sunday services were led by James Walker. The speaker for the day was Rob Capper from Blackpool. His talk at the evening meeting was “ The unexpected return of Jesus.”

There will be a Bible reading discussion class on Wednesday at 7.30pm. On Sunday December 16 at 6pm the subject title is “ Do not ignore the Old Testament.” Visitors are very welcome to attend any of the meetings and services.


Marion Lloyd welcomed the congregation to Parkwood Methodist church on Sunday morning. Preacher was Naomi Sharp, steward and bible reader was Gareth Beaumont, pianist Claire Middleton. Barbara Rushforth was the Advent ring service leader. Coffee was served after the service by Pat and Albert Battye.


The Sunday morning service at the Methodist Church was led by Colin and Carole Pattenden of the Westwood Christian Centre. The second candle of Advent was lit – the candle of peace – and the theme of the service was Christ the Peacemaker. Karsten Svensgaard read from Isaiah 9 and John Scott read verses from John and Mark. Carol read a poem that is attributed to Frances Drake and Colin led open prayer. The organist was Shirley Scott.

St James Parish Church Mothers Union held a short service led by branch leader Patricia Parkinson, before speaker, the Rev Robyn Townsend, asked How strong is your faith? Members drew a tree representing their lives and spoke about themselves. This was followed by relatives’ bible readings. He was thanked by Hilda Haigh.

Patricia Parkinson introduced Slaithwaite Methodist Choir at the Good Companions. They sang a selection of Christmas carols and songs – The Holly and the Ivy and much different arrangements were excellent. Marjory Crowther read various poems – First Day and School, Insects and the Highway Man. Maureen Weaving read two poems, Jesus is the Heart of Christmas and Christmas Magic. The conductor and choir mistress was Wendy Redfearn, who had a wonderful selection of humorous jokes and stories. Margaret Stevenson was an excellent accompanist. There was a chance to join in the choruses and the choir was thanked by Hilda Haigh. Tea and mince pies were served afterwards.

St James Parish Church Holy Communion service on the second Sunday of Advent was led by the Rev Robin Townsend, assisted by Raymond Denton. The lesson from Thessalonians, chapter 5 verses 1-11 – Ready for the Lord’s Coming – was read by the Rev Robin, also the Holy Gospel, Matthew chapter 25, verse 1-13, The Parable of the Ten Girls and also the address. Prayers were read by Jenny Schofield and the organist was Alvi Whitehead.