Plenty of bacon sandwiches were served before the Easter Sunday church service. Pat Wood took the family service to a large congregation. Fun was had with balloons and eggs. Pat combined Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Hot cross buns accompanied teas and coffee after the service.

The next service will be a Worship service with Communion at 10.30am.

The Village Hall Lunch Club will be serving gammon with new potatoes and vegetables followed by Bakewell Tart on Thursday.

There will be a Race Night from 7pm at the hall on Saturday April 13. Bar and hot food will be available throughout the evening.

For information about events at the Hall see or ring 604289.


Morning worship celebrating Easter Day at the Methodist Church was led by Les Barber, church member and local preacher. This was preceded by the traditional breakfast cooked by Beryl Holt and Maxine Lodge, and served by the ladies of the church. Everyone enjoyed the food and the time of sharing together.

Les used a PowerPoint presentation in the service and spoke about our lives being the evidence of a risen and living Lord. We need to be examples of a resurrection faith, he said. Items on the Lenten Cross relating to the story from Palm Sunday to Easter Day were removed by Beryl Holt and Wendy Barber. Then the joyful cross, filled with flowers was put in its place. Easter bible readings were given by Beryl Holt, Lucie Froggatt and Peter Holt. Stewards were Betty Booth and Joan Bond, and the pianist was Jane Hobson. Flowers for the communion table were a gift from Joan Bond.

After the service Jane Woodcock served coffee and biscuits, and cakes, and everyone was given a gift of an Easter egg.

On Good Friday 'Churches Together' held a children’s service led by Rowland Bonham, who told the story and then asked the children to act it out, which they really enjoyed doing.

Afterwards hot cross buns, biscuits and drinks were served and enjoyed.


Shelley Over 60s held their meeting in the village hall last Thursday. The bingo line was won by Robin Small and the full house by Audrey Taylor. The first three numbers on one card was won by Wendy Kettlewell. The whist high of 90 was won by Edith Brookes and the low of 64 went to Harry Rose from seven tables.

There were eight birthdays to celebrate this week – Kathleen Code, Jenny Stead, Shirley Barker, Pauline Workman, Rita Jennings, Pat Stephenson, Helen Earnshaw and Barbara Wadsworth. Raffle prizes were won by Jacquie Lister, Edith Brookes, Dora Mettrick, Joyce Secker and Dorothy Jessop. The winner of this month’s minibus draw was Christine Ryder.

During the meeting all members present were given a chocolate Easter Egg.


On Monday, April 8 at 7.30pm, Skelmanthorpe Methodist Wives Group is showing a DVD of the pantomime ‘Robin Hood’ in the Methodist Church on Pilling Lane.

Anyone who bought a ticket to see the pantomime and couldn’t attend because of the bad weather, will be made very welcome. Refreshments provided afterwards.