BEFORE I was so rudely interrupted by surgery I had a couple of lines of debate running that I can now happily wind up.

The first was about the difficulty in obtaining 100 watt light bulbs and I thank readers for pointing me in the light direction (light direction – get it? Oh well, please yourself).

I mentioned that we, as a nation, were being forcibly weaned off proper light bulbs and bullied into buying dimmer energy-saving types and it was the fault of the Government. Not so, says Peter Fenton.

He says: "The rules on bulbs are part of a directive from Brussels. Just another unwanted interference into our lives which we could well do without. And, therefore, the bulb matter is something the present or past Government cannot avoid."

The new bulbs, he adds, also produce a problem for disposal because they have a mercury content.

"I wonder if Kirklees Council, which is good at recycling, has a facility yet for handling spent mercury bulbs which should not be binned in the old way?"

The second line of debate was about computer safety. Michael Joyce suggested ditching Windows and using a free alternative called the Ubuntu operating system.

Other readers, including Bill Armer, Roger D Gill, of Lepton, and Martin Fletcher, of Emley, have since offered similar advice. Many thanks, gentlemen.

Ubuntu, and similar Linux based systems, are well worth investigating.