You should not need to reward those doing what is normally required of them. Awards should be for those doing something that is for actions above 'normal'. The parents of those who commit truancy should be made to ensure their children attend and fined if they do not.

As for the gifts they are giving out. I hope these are not being paid for out of council taxpayers’ pockets. Kirklees is having to cut educational funds and this is not the way to spend it. The price of a single Kindle will pay for several books. And bouquets of flowers for parents sounds more like a form of petty bribery.


While there are two sides to this argument, there are a lot of positives to be gained from these types of initiatives, especially in inner cities or less affluent areas. Trying to break the cycle of poor attendance can only be a good thing. Attending school everyday and exposure to discipline and proper values must be an improvement to being absent from school, gaining poor attainment and not achieving.

Sounds to me like money well spent.


Where are the prosecutions of the bad parents who do not ensure their children attend school which the law demands ? Fines for them not tax payer funded prizes for children... their prize is a decent education.


This is an excellent idea! We all know how valuable education is. If it increases attendance, it can only be a positive. The headteacher Dr Mujahid should be applauded.


Rather than rewarding the children, punish the parents for failing to ensure that they attend school.
