The Brockholes WI held their 48th annual meeting on Thursday October 13 in the Methodist Church parlour. A very enjoyable evening began with nominations and business for next year’s committee. Thanks were expressed to all for their hard work throughout the year. Various reports were read and approved. A fascinating talk was given by Kathy O’Hara, who is setting up a website on the Victorians in Brockholes. This site will be used for research by the children at school and for anyone else interested in Brockholes. The main areas are education, worship, transport and work. She has had much help from members of the village and expressed a wish for WI members to be involved, and to extend the content into the 20th century where so many changes have occurred. The evening concluded with an excellent faith supper.

The Rev Tim Moore led worship at the Methodist Church and also administered the sacrament. The readers were Mrs Jan Gaunt and Mrs Eileen Littlewood. The pianist was Mrs Kath Gaukroger.

Parish communion at St George’s Church was celebrated by the Rev David Barnes. The preacher was the Rev Jennie Barnes, who spoke on Acknowledging God in Everything. Sue Clay read the lesson and Elizabeth Mosley was the server. The organist was Verena Wood.

The young people of the AD group met and enjoyed preparing for St George’s Christmas tree festival on December 10. They used recycled materials to make their own Christmas trees for display.


Members of Holmbridge Women’s Institute met for a talk by Dave Calverley entitled A Week on t'Cut - A Cruise Around Britain's Waterways.

Midweek communion at St David’s Church was conducted by the Rev Nick Heaton when lessons were read by Ian Gold. The service was followed by the Monkey Business group, the free lunch and the Over 60s Club. Friday evening prayers were led by Ian Gold.

On Saturday evening, a ceilidh was held in the parish hall. The event was organised by Helen Woods on behalf of the Upper Holme Valley team of churches.

Early communion on Sunday at St David’s Church was led by the Rev Geoff Bamford. It was followed by parish Eucharist, which included the baptism of Isabella Leonora Jones. The Rev Nick Heaton led the service and the lesson was read by Judith Roberts. The chalice was administered by Ian Gold. Organist Eddie Purcell was accompanied on the flute by Becky Burdon.


Parish Eucharist at St Mary’s Church was celebrated by the Rev David Barnes when the preacher was the Rev Jennie Barnes. Denis Thewlis read the lesson and Clive Waind led intercessions. During the afternoon, the Rev David Barnes baptised Louis James Coen, the son of Helen and Simon. Pat Green read the lesson and the organist for the day was Vernon Briggs.


Last Sunday the congregation were welcomed at the door of Scholes Methodist Church by Sandra Hollingworth. The service was led by Terry Frost. Julia Noble was organist and Cynthia Osborne read the two passages from the Bible, Jonah chapter 1 v1-17 and Matthew chapter 12 v39-41. Both readings were reflected in the sermonŠ How Jonah Had Spoken From God. After the service coffee and biscuits were served by June Trott and Cynthia Osborne. On Tuesday this week the monthly Community Coffee Morning was held in church with the Year 6 children from ScholesŠ School helping to serve coffee and homemade biscuits and cakes. The two months’ coffee morning money was raised towards the Mustard Seed Project steered by Trevor Jones for children in Mesinde in Uganda.


The Tuesday morning prayer breakfast was held at the home of the Dawsons. Communion on Thursday at St John’s Church was led by the Rev Nick Heaton, who was also the celebrant. A faith lunch followed in the meeting room.

Family communion at St John’s Church was led by the Rev Di Ellerton, who was also celebrant. The readers were Karen Beattie and David Steele. Les Hopkins delivered the sermon and prayers were led by Les Walton. Philip Broadbent assisted with the chalice and the organist was Adam Greenhalgh. Refreshments were served afterwards by Carol Brown.


Wilshaw Village Hall was the venue for the Village Institute’s October meeting. Mrs Fielding presided and after the September record was reviewed, other business included arrangements for the Christmas lunch – transport to be arranged if needed. Mrs Trayte thanked everyone for flowers and cards. Members then welcomed Lorna McDonald, who gave a further account of her life on the stage. Now well established in her dancing career, it was delightful to hear yet more entertaining reminiscences. She was thanked by Jenny Shaw for a talk full of humour. Tea and biscuits were served before the meeting closed.


Morning worship at the Methodist Church was led by the Rev Laura Hardy. The organist was Sue Ogden.