Mum’s anger after Huddersfield Royal Infirmary misses broken collar bone of son, 7

Yep, mistakes happen. And it is very flippant saying an X ray (which contains harmful radiation, especially for youngsters) should be done on every injured child.

Samantha Knight

For every poor experience there'll be hundreds of good experiences that go unreported. They looked after me very well when I was there with my injury.

Keith Hollick

If only the staff at HRI were as perfect as a lot of people on here. They did it with me when I was a kid, no big deal but the trouble is nowadays everyone is after the compo

Simon Beever

My daughter did the same injury falling down two steps. She cried for about 10 minutes then didn't bother again. All they do is put arm in a sling. Kids always injure themselves. Can't X ray them all.

Belinda Marie Hinchliffe

When somebody, a child or not, has a fall & they are in pain surely an X-ray should be taken!

Donna Hemingway Mooney