A stunt pony riding team is set to wow crowds at this year’s Penistone Show.

The 141st show at the village’s showground next weekend also features dog agility from the Rotherham Rockets Flyball Team and some rare Shire Horse foals.

The show will also feature its usual array of agricultural classes and sections from livestock to crafts to food.

Show spokeswoman, Liz Walker, said: “This year’s show is looking like one of the best.

“Our main entertainment is Jive Pony, the amazing stunt riding team.

“They have a spectacular double act of everything from Roman Riding to vaulting, and we can’t wait.

“They will alternate with Rotherham Rockets Flyball Team.

“Anyone who has yet to see the dog agility competition will be thrilled.

“Everyone enjoys it, particularly the unstoppable dogs.

“We also expect to have some incredible heavy horses as the very last Shire Horse Hiring Society in the country is coming to us with their annual show.

“Penistone is always keen to support rural traditions and this co-operative harks back to a time when Shire stallions were sent to stand in rural areas as a matter of course.

“Now they are few and far between, the South West Yorkshire Society has the wonderful Cai Bethlyn Real Enterprise standing at West Bretton.

“Some of his first foals – larger than most full grown ponies – will be with us at Penistone this year.

“Our poultry section is always of the highest quality and add to that a much better year for horticulture (last year was incredibly wet), our great livestock lines, a new and exciting area for rural crafts, sword dancing, our cookery theatre and music for everyone, and we think we are justified in feeling a glorious sense of anticipation.”

Prices for the show on Saturday, September 14 have been held at 2011 levels, and substantial discounts can be obtained with online tickets, available until September 8.