KIRKLEES Council has received the following planning applications:

Asraar Lohn, dropped kerbs and retaining wall to provide parking spaces at 131 and 133, Stanscliffe Road, Dewsbury.

Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, formation of additional car parking, 53-55 Centenary Square, Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury.

Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, additional car parking, 25-64 Ings Crescent, Thornhill, Dewsbury.

Kirklees Neighbourhood Crescent, additional car parking, rear of 191-199 Partridge Crescent, Thornhill, Dewsbury.

Dr Abid Azis, alterations to convert integral garage to accommodation, 77 Moorlands Road, Dewsbury.

Saeed Patel, single storey rear extension, 55 Scarborough Street, Saville Town, Dewsbury.

PCC Church of St Peter, Hartshead, re-roofing former schoolhouse (listed building), St Peters Church, Church Lane, Hartshead.

Mr S Chern, certificate of lawfulness for existing use as Chinese hot food takeaway, Dragon Phoenix, 7 Dewsbury Road, Cleckheaton.

James Lay Pension Trustees Ltd, change of use form A1 (retail) to A3 (restaurants and cafes) (within conservation area), 9 Market Place, Dewsbury.

David Haycock Architecture Ltd, discharge of conditions 4, 5, 8, 9 on previous permission for building of replacement detached house and associated hardstanding, 3 Pumphouse Lane, Mirfield.

Kamran Shaffi, first floor rear extension, 40 Kilpin Hill Lane, Dewsbury.

M Siddique, change of use from retail to domestic and external alterations, 28 Battye Street, Dewsbury.

Musabhai Hazi, extension to existing garage, 19 Orchard Street, Saville Town, Dewsbury.

Mr and Mrs Bean, alterations and extension to existing disused agricultural buildings to form three houses, Lands Farm, Cliffe lane, Gomersal, Cleckheaton.

Mrs Jones, works to TPO’s 51/91, 142 Boothroyd Lane, Dewsbury.

Redrow Homes Ltd, outline application for residential development (54 houses), land at Ashbourne Drive, Cleckheaton.

Bulbulia, single storey rear extension and dormer windows to front and rear of roof, 28 Thornhill Street, Savile Town, Dewsbury.

T J Brennan, discharge of conditions 9, 11, 14 on previous permission for outline application for building of one detached house with associated works, land off Broomer Street, Ravensthorpe.

T J Brennan, discharge of conditions 2, 3, 6, 8 on previous permission for reserved matters application for building of one house, land off Broomer Street, Ravensthorpe.

Park Crescent Ltd, extension to time limit to previous permission for outline application for B1 (A,B) and B2 use within a continuing car retirement community and ancillary A1 use together with means of access, landscaping and change of site levels, land at Leeds Road/Slipper Lane, Taylor Hill lane, Mirfield.

Sakib Hussain, variation of condition 5 on previous application for change of use from vacant property to B2 for motor vehicles incorporating MOT test lane, 103 Heckmondwike Road, Dewsbury Moor.

Rajendra Kumar Brahmbhatt, single storey front and rear extensions, Bee Gee Late Shop, 166A Roberttown Lane, Roberttown, Liversedge.

Cllr Darren O’Donovan, works to TPO’s 01/12, 8 Crowlese Road, Mirfield.

Kirklees Council, listed building consent for replacement glazing to windows, Pioneer House, Northgate, Dewsbury.

Waheed Akhtar, two storey extension to rear, 13 Victoria Street, Heckmondwike.

Mr and Mrs Saville, side extension and dormer extension to rear, 10a Saville Place, Mirfield.

Mohammed H Hanif, change of use from garage/MOT station to bed/mattress manufacturing workshop, Units 1 and 2, Moorfield Mills, William Royd Lane, off Chapel Lane, Heckmondwike.

Mr and Mrs J P Winterburn, rear extension, 51 Park View, Mirfield.

Chris Tingle, removal of conditions 6 and 7 on previous permission for building of single storey workshop extension to existing joinery works, Britton Street, Cleckheaton.

C Green, porch, 19 Chapel Street, Mirfield.

Kirklees Council, security fence to perimeter of playing field, Thornhill Lees C of E Infant and Nursery School, Slaithwaite Road, Thornhill Lees.

Mohmed Kasim Patel, certificate of lawfulness for proposed alterations to convert integral garage to accommodation, 5 Providence Court, Thornhill Lees.

Canal and River Trust, refurbishment of deck and parapet rail and alterations to access ramp (listed building), Millbank Foot Bridge, Calder and Hebble Navigation, East of Combs, Thornhill, Dewsbury.

Allan Darby, single storey rear and two storey side extension, 57 Summerbridge Crescent, Gomersal.

Punch Taverns, illuminated and non illuminated signs (conservation area). Walkers Arms, Scholes Lane, Scholes, Cleckheaton.

Punch Taverns, illuminated and non illuminated signs, Flower Pot, 65 Calder Road, Mirfield.

Mohammed Hussain, detached bungalow (conservation area), rear of 7-9 West park Street, Dewsbury.

B Talbot, works to TPO’s 42/80, 108 Leeds Road, Littletown, Liversedge.