POLE MOOR Riding Club held an Easter Bonnet competition and ride on Easter Sunday.

The club members organised a spectacular parade around Scapegoat Hill featuring pretty ponies and their riders wearing eye-catching bonnets.

The ride was suitable for all and encouraged lead-reins and beginners to enjoy the day.

Eighteen ponies turned up and everyone was rewarded with an Easter egg.

The judge of the best bonnet was Pauline Hook.


1 Heather Sunderland on Pepper, 2 Molly Arthur on Pinocchio, 3 Megan Fletcher on Jess, 4 Jenny Turner on Whisper, 5 Daisy Green on Nutmeg, 6 Ruby Whittam on Cammy.

Pole Moor Riding Club also sent a team on Monday to Turbury Arena near Halifax to take part in a team gymkhana competition.

The team entered lots of fun races and the riders and ponies enjoyed it in equal measure, sensing the excitement.

Out of the many entrants the youngsters did the club proud by being placed fourth overall.

The club’s annual Fun Show is on Saturday May 15 at Bolster Moor featuring classes for everyone.

CONTACT: Check out the club’s website at: www.polemoorridingclub.co.uk for details of the event and to get update information.