WITH regards to the story about a year 11 pupil being sent home because her “clothing was inappropriate” I find this absolutely disgusting.

She is in her final year and completing her exams and should not have to contend with punitive comments. At least she is attending school and not “bunking off”. As for the recently appointed headmistress who I feel is “making her mark” as newly appointed staff often do, she should be looking at being a little lenient and consider alternatives in hot weather.

Why am I so peeved? I find Royds Hall High School is punitive in many areas of its “rules.” It was only the other day that the same headmistress shouted at my children for being late. I had contacted the school at approx 08.35 to explain that they would be a little late due to the taxi driver not turning up due to traffic on New Hey Road. She began a torrent of “you should walk.” Who is she to tell my children how to get to school? She stated that it takes only 10 mins to get from our house to school which in fact is untrue. I have completed that walk (and I am a fast walker). It took me approx 20-30 minutes. You have to consider the roads they have to cross as well.

