IT’S certainly a shame for the staff who work at the Conservatory Café in Greenhead Park that they can’t accept tips.

There are very few jobs these days where people do tip and in catering businesses people tip as they are aware many workers are often on low wages.

They tip as a sign of appreciation and hope the person who has given them excellent service benefits directly from their generosity.

After all, a thank you doesn’t pay the ever spiralling bills.

Perhaps Kirklees Council should rethink its policy and bring it into line with the rest of the industry – and the closest example of that is further up Greenhead Park at The Café in the Park opposite the tennis courts which is run by Colletta’s under licence from ... Kirklees Council.

If the council is content for tips at a business under its licence then why not do it for its own hard-working staff?

Generally speaking, to tip or not to tip can be a tricky issue. Surely it’s best to tip only when the service has been outstanding. After all, most people work hard in jobs where tipping just doesn’t happen.

So don’t tip because it’s expected. They must be earned, not taken for granted.