LAST month saw the hottest and coldest February temperatures in Huddersfield since records began.

Thermometers measured a temperature of 17.5°C on February 7 – the warmest of any February day on record.

Temperatures plummeted to a low of -6.8°C on February 19 – the lowest ever February figure.

The average temperature for that day of -3.8°C made it the coldest February day since records began in 1990.

Otherwise, the weather was nothing out of the ordinary.

After one of the wettest Januarys on record, rainfall figures were below average.

The monthly mean temperature was 5.53°C, only a fraction lower than the average for previous years of 5.63°C.

Wind speeds hit 130km/h on February 26 – the second highest figure since 2003.

The figures were recorded at the Applied Sciences weather station at Huddersfield University.