CO-OPERATION and a whole new way of learning are the keys to success for children at Kirkheaton Primary School.

The school, led by headteacher Samantha Gallant, is leading the way in an innovative new learning style by American psychologist and researcher Dr Spencer Kagan.

Kagan Co-operative Learning is a type of structured learning which emphasises working together and giving every child a voice in the classroom. It can be used to teach any subject from foreign languages to maths to social studies.

It is based on around 200 classroom structures which stress positive peer relationships, equality, self-esteem and achievement. Pupils work together using material or content selected by themselves or by the teacher

Mrs Gallant said: “The main principle of Kagan co-operative learning is encouraging children to learn with each other and to speak their learning which helps them retain information.

“The lessons use a variety of memory techniques including Round Robin, Stand Up Hand Up Pair Up (Su Tu Pu) and Quiz, quiz track.

“We are using these techniques across the school and the children are loving it. They are enjoying working with different groups of their peers, sharing ideas and getting more involved. This technique makes every child feel special because they all get the chance to be heard and take part in classroom activities.”

Mrs Gallant, who started work at the school in September 2008, has also strengthened ICT provision in school using specialist cash from Kirklees Council. New laptops, digital cameras and interactive whiteboards have been bought and Oldham-based filmmaker Nathan Rae has been working with children to give them tips and ideas on filmmaking.

The school was inspected by Ofsted in March last year and chief inspector Ian Richardson said her leadership and management was having an effective impact on improving the school.

He also praised the progress made by pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities as outstanding.

The school was judged as good with outstanding features and it is hoping to build on that success in the future and be given an overall outstanding rating next time.

The school challenges its most able pupils and is developing more child-centred learning to help children transferring from Foundation stage to key stage one.

The school is also working hard to ensure every child gets an outstanding learning experience .

It is also broadening its horizons and those of its pupils and staff by linking with Dalton Primary School for workshops and joint working.

Developing its creative curriculum has also had a strong focus at Kirkheaton with themed-based learning providing a wide base for children to learn a variety of new skills.

Topics which have been studied so far include Splash, focussing on water cycles and the environment, Seaside and the Big Freeze which coincided with the sub-zero temperatures at the beginning of the year.

Mrs Gallant is proud to lead a school which was established in 1972.

She said: “It has a strong team ethos which has a well-established staff base, but which welcomes new and young staff wholeheartedly.

“Our aim is quite simply to ensure all our children reach their full potential. The staff’s strong commitment and dedication ensures we always achieve this”.