If insomnia controls your life, chances are you will try anything to get some shut eye.

There are lots of tips out there - counting sheep, herbal sleeping pills, chamomile tea and so on - but most people who struggle with falling and staying asleep will already have tried most of them.

So what we all need is a magic potion that puts an end to wriggling about for hours on end trying to get some sleep.

And maybe that magic potion is not too far away - if the reviews of this product is to be believed.

Introducing the 'Sleepy' lotion.

Sleepy lotion from Lush

The high street's most overpoweringly pungent shop, Lush, has released a body lotion, which, rather than sending fans into a frenzy, has instead sent them to sleep, reports The Mirror .

That may sound creepy, but the users giving feedback on its calmative effect are singing its praises.

Sleepy is available in either 95g or 215g.

It's not the cheapest sleep-aid (or moisturiser) on the market, with a small pot costing £7.95 and a larger one at £13.95, but you can't put a price on a good night's sleep.

And fans of the lotion took to Reddit to praise the product.

Lush store

One wrote: "As someone with incurable and not so common chronic illnesses which result in chronic pain and insomnia because of the pain, Sleepy lotion is the one product that can actually help me through the worst of my nights."

Another user said it had been instrumental in helping their "serious inability to sleep."

Lush shoppers are also full of admiration.

"I have been using my small pot from Christmas sparingly - only when I was really stressed, or really having trouble falling asleep."

Another added: "I suffer from PTSD and this doesn't solve my sleep issues, but it definitely helps."

Originally Sleepy was a limited edition product, but, due to popular demand is back for good, so head on over to the nearest Lush in Leeds, for a magic lotion which will leave you sleeping like a baby.