Last year I wrote about the pointlessness of New Year’s resolutions.

We all know that selecting something major to change in your life on a particularly arbitrary day probably won’t end in success.

But if you are determined to do so, then good luck to you.

But what if you’re just about perfect already?

If you’ve got the torso of a Greek god (or goddess), you’ve ended all your vices and are generally a horrifically wonderful person (no offence) then what can you do?

You’re not going to take up smoking or boozing are you?

Come January 1st you’re not going to start scoffing eclairs for breakfast followed by a Man V Food style burger for lunch and a light Indian takeaway for tea.

So what can you do?

I took a look around the internet to try and find out to help you and discovered a New Year’s resolutions generator – seemingly with a difference.

As well as saying things you will do – exercise more etc – it also gives you the option to say what you won’t do, plus gives you lots of categories to choose from such as travel, fitness, hobbies, relationships etc.

Apparently in 2015 I’m to try horseriding.

That’s a resolution I never thought I’d be making.

Try for yourself at