Twenty-four hours  ahead of schedule,  may I wish you all a  happy Yorkshire Day.

Tomorrow will see the usual  festivities to celebrate God’s Own  County. But in one part of  Yorkshire, a handful of volunteers  will be plotting how to promote  their small part of England’s finest  region.

I refer to the would-be  ambassadors for Huddersfield who  will meet in the railway station  tomorrow  to plan how to sell the  town to visitors.

The proposal is for a small group  of volunteers to run a visitor  information point in the station  where they can transfer their  enthusiasm for the area to any  passing passengers who show an  interest.

It’s a wonderful idea – the meeting  is at 2.30pm tomorrow in the  station if you’re interested – but  even its originator admits it’s the  second best option.

“It would be lovely to provide a  fully staffed tourist information  centre with paid employees, but as  the council faces even more cuts it  just isn’t realistic,” Clr Paul  Salveson told the Examiner on  Monday.

It’s worth recalling that  Huddersfield used to have a tourist  office, staffed by paid employees,  on Albion Street. But it was closed  a few years ago in one of Kirklees  Council’s typically far-sighted  moves.

Perhaps, from their grim lowland  base in the Civic Centre, the paper  shufflers hadn’t realised that the  district they control contains some  stunning landscapes – the kind of  places people might like to visit,  whether for an afternoon, a day or  even longer.

If the bureaucrats had looked up  from their balance sheets, they  would have seen Victoria Tower  sitting proudly in the distance.  Maybe one of them should have  said: “That looks like an  interesting building, maybe we  should put a visitors centre up  there so people can come and  spend time and money in  Huddersfield.”

From many other parts of their  domain the bureaucrats would  have been able to see an even more  impressive landmark – Emley  Moor Mast.

Did none of them ever think:  “Hmm. The tallest free-standing  structure in the UK. Do you think  maybe we could turn that into a  tourist attraction? If only there  were some catchy fact about the  mast that we could use to grab  people’s attention.”

But I suppose such things require a  modicum of vision and ambition.

Instead, the penny-pinchers honed  in on the Albion Street tourist  office as an easy win as the cuts  got underway. Shutters down,  £14,000 a year in rent saved, job  done.

No doubt the council’s apologists  will point out that the office was  replaced by a couple of tables  inside the front door of  Huddersfield Library. But if this  was such a great replacement, there  would be no need for tomorrow’s meeting of volunteers.

What made the Albion Street  closure even more galling was the  fact that it came so early in our  decade of economic gloom.

The council’s short-lived Labour /  Lib Dem Cabinet decided to shut  the office way back in 2009, before  that other coalition was even a  glint in Nick Clegg’s eye.

A year before Austerity Osborne  got his hands on the country’s  finances, Huddersfield’s tourist  office was already gone.

What we’re left with is a council  which seems to have little or no  interest in promoting Huddersfield  as a place to visit.

Remember the BBC programme  Town a few weeks back? What a  wonderful showcase for  Huddersfield’s landscape, its  industrial heritage, its musical  tradition. 

But where was the council’s  tourism promotion off the back of  what was, in effect, a 60-minute  commercial for the town? I didn’t  notice one.

Am I being too cynical by asking if  the bureaucrats were put out by the  fact that an hour-long celebration  of Huddersfield didn’t include a  single mention of the word  “Kirklees”?

Instead of a properly staffed,  properly resourced promotion of  the town as a great place to visit,  we’re left with the raw enthusiasm  of volunteers at the railway station.

It’s sad to reflect that these  ambassadors will be directing  visitors out into St George’s  Square, a place which retains its  grandeur despite Kirklees rather  than because of it.

As these would-be tourists stand  on the square’s pink granite, they  will look over at the historic  birthplace of rugby league and see  a damning demonstration of the  council’s failure to promote  Huddersfield.

Right in the centre of town stands  a beautiful and historic hotel.

And – just like the tourist office on  Albion Street – it’s closed.