HUDDERSFIELD New College says it is leading the way in promoting healthy lifestyles.

The college has won the Kirklees Healthy College Standard.

Mr Philip Forrest, principal of New College, said: "We are totally committed to achieving the standard and encourage other colleges to meet the criteria."

The college earned the award through ensuring basic requirements were met, such as access to fresh water, shelter and seating and food appropriate to the multi-cultural nature of the college.

The college also holds an annual health week. The week will culminate with a collection for Aids victims for World Aids Day on December 1.

Students will be asked for their opinions on topics such as drugs, sexual health and stress management in order to receive the best services and support on the campus.

Students will be given the opportunity to taste exotic fruits in an event organised by Golcar school nurses.

Tutorials are also being provided on personal safety.