KIRKLEES provides several services which are not assessed – and these will be seen as a vital part of the frontline in the years to come.

They are known as ‘universal services’ and many provide a social outlet for people.

Director for Wellbeing and Communities Merran McRae said: “We provide a whole range of care not linked to eligibility criteria.

“What people do not see is that we are protecting a lot of services that could have been seen as easy budget cuts.’’

She said Kirklees was investing in services designed to prevent people falling into the need for a critical level of care and these services were not assessed.

These include

Community partnerships: There are around 200 schemes which Kirklees Council helps to fund such as the Altogether Better Project in Linthwaite which keeps older people fit by playing Wii, luncheon clubs and befriending groups. It is a major support for voluntary organisations. “If we cut these, we will be cutting people’s social life,’’ said Ms McRae.

Assistive technology, where simple devices such as care phones allow people to continue living at home independently yet can summon help immediately in an emergency. Also, instead of a care worker calling round three times a day to make sure they have taken their medication there are pillboxes which have a buzzer and when that sounds a pod opens automatically with the right number of tablets inside for the person to take.

Reablement, where people can have intensive help in their homes for several weeks after serious illness or injury to get them back into action and help them regain their confidence so they don’t need long-term care.

Expert Patients, where people who have suffered from a disease such as an illness can give advice to newly diagnosed patients.