In addition to the formal medical name, many conditions have developed informal names. One such condition is “Cherry Eye”.

Dogs have three eyelids, the third eyelid being an extra eyelid that sweeps across the surface of the eye providing protection and spreading the tear film.

The tear film is produced by two glands, namely the third eyelid gland (nictitans gland) and the lacrimal gland.

The third eyelid gland is attached to the base of the third eyelid where it is not normally visible and it produces approximately 60% of the tear film.

It has an essential role in keeping the surface of the eye wet.

If the surface of the eye is dry, the eye becomes uncomfortable and susceptible to developing conjunctivitis, abnormal discharges and corneal ulcers.

The gland is held in its normal position at the base of the third eyelid by a small ligament which attaches it to the bone of the eye socket.

If the ligament breaks the gland becomes mobile, prolapsing from its normal position and becoming visible above the edge of the third eyelid.

It becomes visible as a pink mass or ‘lump’ at the inner corner of the eye and resembles a cherry, hence the term ’cherry eye’.

The gland does not produce tears effectively when it is in the wrong position, causing the surface of the eye to become dry.

Although the condition is not usually painful it may cause minor irritation, conjunctivitis and increased discharge from the affected eye.

It usually affects young dogs between the ages of 6 to 12 month. Commonly affected breeds include the Bulldog, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Cocker Spaniel, Great Dane and Mastiff.

The recommended treatment is surgery to replace the gland to its normal position at the base of the third eyelid where it cannot be seen and can function normally.

There are several different surgical techniques that can be performed but a ‘pocket technique’ is the one which we tend to recommend at Donaldson’s Vets.

Removal of the gland is rarely a suitable option as it results in low tear production (‘dry eye’) later in life.

If the gland is left untreated it will not produce tears normally and may become enlarged and red, causing discomfort.

If your pet develops cherry eye, he will need to stay in the hospital for the day and undergo a general anaesthetic for the ‘pocket’ technique to be performed.

In theatre, a small space or ‘pocket’ is created on the back of the third eyelid.

The gland can be placed into the pocket and permanently secured by suturing the overlying tissue.

After recovery from the surgery, we expect affected dogs to make a full recovery.