Fracking will be under the spotlight in Huddersfield this week.

A public meeting called ‘Fracking and the clean energy alternative’ will take place at 7pm Huddersfield Town Hall on Thursday.

Clr Andrew Cooper, Newsome Green Party member and energy spokesman, will speak along with members of Friends of the Earth and No Dash for Gas.

Clr Cooper said: “Fracking is moving up the political agenda and there is a danger it will come to Yorkshire.

“As we have a history of coal mining it could mean we’ll be in the firing line.”

The meeting will be an opportunity for members of the public to find out more about fracking and its environmental impact.

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking as it is commonly known, is a process of extracting gas from shale. It involves drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside.

Speakers at the meeting will dispel some of the misconceptions about its potential impact on energy prices.

The meeting is free and open to all members of the public to ask questions of the panel and express their views.