It’s a little known illness with debilitating effects.

While lupus is relatively rare, doctors are diagnosing more and more cases with 90% of cases affecting women, mainly between the ages of 15 and 55.

With its many symptoms, lupus can often be overlooked by a GP or consultant which may delay diagnosis and the start of vital treatment.

Lupus is an auto-immune disease which causes the immune system to attack parts of the body it is designed to protect. Sufferers at risk of life threatening organ failure to heart, lungs, kidney or brain.

Marie Sutcliffe, of Golcar, whose daughter Rachel, 37, suffers with lupus, is determined to raise cash and awareness.

“It’s very under-researched and under-funded,” said Marie.

“People do die from it so we’re trying to raise awareness as well as money for the charity.”

Marie, 61, and friend Sherida Kavanagh, recently walked five miles round Dovestone Reservoir to raise money for Lupus UK.

The duo, who both worked in a clerical capacity at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, began fundraising in 2012 and have now raised around £2,000 with a host of events, including car boot sales, parties at home and stalls at Huddersfield Grammar School Christmas Fair.

Marie said her daughter had suffered since her mid-20s and had undergone chemotherapy to cure an attack on her brain.

She is now taking part in pioneering treatment at Leeds to help keep her fight infection after doctors found she was not developing the correct levels of antibodies in her blood stream.

Rachel is now receiving transfusions from blood donors every four weeks in a bid to keep her well.

Mum Marie said: “They hope it will help build up her immune system.

“It’s a very complicated and difficult illness to deal with. She’s had a tough time.

“It started off with poor circulation in her hands and feet and it’s spiralled from there.”

Lupus UK says the two major symptoms of lupus appear to be joint/muscle aches and pains in combination with extreme fatigue and weakness.

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