Cats can help you meditate, leaving you ‘feline’ much better in yourself.

For apparently watching cat videos can reduce people’s stress and make them happy.

And now pet charity Blue Cross has released the first ever guided meditation cat video.

The six minute video class called ‘Karma Kitties’ marries the essential principles of mindfulness classes with cute rescue cat video clips and the soothing sounds of cats.

The meditation video features a cast of homeless cats and kittens cared for by Blue Cross, all showcasing their innate therapeutic powers.

Still from the Karma Kitties video

Through specific imagery and sounds of cats purring, playing, sleeping and snoozing, the guided class allows the viewer to focus on, and pay attention to, the sensations, thoughts and emotions evoked by the pets.

The guided cat meditation class has been created by Blue Cross to help highlight the plight of rescue cats and show how connected our own wellbeing is with that of our pets. And with almost 5,000 cats and kittens taken into the care of Blue Cross last year – the charity’s highest number ever – there are a huge number of homeless felines waiting for new lives in happy homes.

Laura Boyle, Rehoming Centre Manager at Torbay Blue Cross, says “Mindfulness is becoming so popular and by pairing this trend with the potential therapeutic benefits of cat videos, there’s a good chance that Karma Kitties could be the ultimate stress-busting routine.”

For more information on rehoming a Blue Cross cat, please visit https:// .