Youngsters at a Huddersfield school have designed new reading areas where they can develop their love of books.

Mount Pleasant Primary School, in Lockwood, says promoting reading is at the heart of everything it does and that children who read for pleasure do significantly better than their peers.

Teacher Emma Longden with children in one of the Reading Corners in class rooms at Mount Pleasant School, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

Classroom reading areas are well established and children use them to read independently and share books with friends.

The school wanted to make them more exciting to inspire the youngsters and the children helped give them a new look, using cushions, mats and other materials.

Event organiser and literacy co-ordinator Marion Oya said: “At Mount Pleasant Primary School promoting reading is at the heart of everything we do.

Reading Corners in class rooms at Mount Pleasant School, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

We know that children who read for pleasure do significantly better at school than their peers. Classroom reading areas are well established in our school and children enjoy using them to read independently and to share books with friends.

“But, we wanted to give a real boost to reading for pleasure and invigorate our reading areas to inspire the children even more. So we decided to dedicate one evening after school to making our reading areas even more exciting and inviting.

Reading Corners in class rooms at Mount Pleasant School, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

“When the children came in the next morning they were overwhelmed with excitement and couldn’t wait to get reading!