A school which specialises in autism is improving rapidly – but not rapidly enough.

Longley School, off Dog Kennel Bank, needs to further improve teaching and pupils’ behaviour say Ofsted inspectors.

They have rated the special school as 3 – requires improvement.

Two years ago the school was also graded 3, which at that time was satisfactory. But Ofsted has since changed the definitions.

The school has 118 children aged five to 16 with complex learning needs. It has five classes for youngsters in the autistic spectrum.

The Ofsted report acknowledges that teaching is improving quickly, pupils are proud of the school, achievement – especially in boys’ writing – has recently accelerated and a few pupils do remarkably well.

However, the report also stated: “Over the last two years, the progress made by pupils from their individual starting points, overall, has not been swift enough.

“Until recently, too much teaching has required improvement; as such, it has not been good enough to accelerate pupils’ progress and raise achievement.

“Pupils’ behaviour is still sometimes inconsistent and in some lessons, behaviour does not contribute to successful learning.”

Headteacher Philip Gibbins left last year and the report added: “The temporary nature of some of the senior leadership positions has meant that there has been a reduced capacity of leaders’ impact on improving teaching and achievement.”

Governors also came in for criticism for not holding the school to account.

Acting headteacher Margaret Burton said: “There is no question that standards are heading in the right direction and that progress is being made.

“We were aware before Ofsted visited that our progress needed to accelerate. As a result, measures were in place to address this need and they are having a positive impact.

“As the report says, teaching is rapidly improving. The majority is good, some is outstanding and our aim is to raise all of it to this standard. There is more to be done, but pupils’ achievement is also making progress and our work to increase attendance and manage behaviour is proving effective.

“Special schools face particular challenges and it’s pleasing that our pupils feel safe and feel proud of their school. “The vast majority move into training or further education, which is vital in helping them to make a major transition in their lives.”