We asked you what you wanted for Huddersfield ahead of the General Election in May — and you told us.

Almost 1,000 people completed the Examiner's My Manifesto survey, sharing your views on local and national issues and telling us what YOU wanted for our town.

A total of 959 people answered our questions on the NHS, education, immigration, crime, taxation and more.

What Huddersfield voters want
What Huddersfield voters want

The majority of respondents were from the 31-50 age group (40%), followed by the 18-30 group (22.4%), the 51-65 age group (20.1%), the 65+ group (16%) and the lowest response was from people aged under 18 (1.5%).

In terms of gender, responses were almost equal — 53% of people who complered the survey were male, 47% were female.

Overall, 80.7 respondents answered all 30 questions — 19.3% submitted the survey incomplete.

Here are the results for local issues:

Housing is a key issue in Kirklees, which of these best reflects your views?

My Manifesto survey

What would be your priority for transport investment in the area?

My Manifesto results

Should Kirklees libraries continue to be solely council funded?

My Manifesto survey

Have you been affected by the cuts or service changes made by Kirklees Council?

My Manifesto survey

The word 'Kirklees' is divisive — which of these best reflects your own views?

My Manifesto results

Click here for the survey results for Education and the NHS

Click here for the Economy and Employment

Click here for Immigration, Security and Democracy