MARCH was yet another dry month in Huddersfield with rainfall well below average, according to weather watchers.

The summary came from the Huddersfield University weather station, which has been keeping records since 1990.

The monthly mean temperature was 7.01°C compared with the average for March of 7.27°C.

The warmest day of the month was Tuesday the 16th with an average temperature of 13.5°C

and top temperature of 16.67°C.

The coldest days of the month were Monday the 1st, Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th, which all had an average temperature of 2.3°C.

The lowest temperature of -1.4°C was recorded on the 1st - the only day temperatures fell below zero.

A total of 48mm of rainfall was recorded in the month compared with the March average of 60.52mm.

The wettest day of the month was Saturday the 20th with 14mm of rainfall - 30% of the month's total.

Ten days of the month had no rain - the driest spell falling between Friday the 23rd and Tuesday the 30th inclusive.

The mean wind speed for the month was 5.47km/hr, below the average 6.43km/hr.

The highest gust of wind for the whole month was 51.48km/hr on Saturday 20th.

The prevailing wind direction for the month was south-west.