THE British Red Cross has moved its Huddersfield training base.

The move is a bid to help local businesses put health and safety first.

Bigger and better training facilities are now on offer at The Deighton Centre off Deighton Road.

They will provide small businesses in the area with advice on health and safety.

The charity will also offer a wide range of first aid courses for the workplace.

The move from the Huddersfield Textile Centre of Excellence at Bradley Mills coincides with the recent Better Health at Work scheme, launched by Kirklees Council's Environmental Services department.

The issue was highlighted when the Health and Safety Executive said about 9m working days were lost in 2004 due to injuries at work.

Gillian Maxwell-Barrett, of The Better Health at Work team, said: "People at work can suffer from injuries or fall ill and it is important that they receive immediate and appropriate attention.

"First aid at work ensures this happens."

The new location offers easy access and good public transport links.

The Red Cross is urging firms to use the venue, as its courses can increase productivity and reduce absenteeism, as well as teach employees new life skills.

Annette Holmes, of the British Red Cross, said: "The first aid qualification is far more than just a certificate to meet an employer's obligation.

"It demonstrates the employer's commitment to the wellbeing of employees and, for the first-aider, it is a development skill that builds confidence and motivation."