GEORGE Galloway MP will speak at the Huddersfield Stop the War group next month.

Mr Galloway, who opposed war in Iraq, will speak on Thursday, February 5 at the Hudawi Centre, Great Northern Street.

The meeting is entitled Iraq: No More Lies, No More War.

It will also hear from John Rees of the National Stop the War Coalition and Shahida Awan, who chairs Huddersfield Pakistani Community Alliance.

Roger Keely, an organiser of the meeting, said: "We expect the report into the Hutton Inquiry to show that Tony Blair and other members of his government lied to Parliament and to the British public.

"They lied about the events leading to the tragic death of Dr David Kelly and they lied about the reasons for going to war.

"The anger felt by millions, which led to the biggest demonstration in British history on the eve of war last February, has not gone away.

"We will continue to organise to stop the carnage and unnecessary deaths of Iraqi civilians and British troops.

"The only solution is to end the occupation of Iraq, stop the looting of Iraq's resources by US and UK multinationals and to let the people of Iraq decide their own future."

"The greatest threat to world peace is the foreign policy of the United States."