DRIVERS are urged to use other car parks while the Springwood facility is resurfaced.

The 11-week work is being carried out two months after part-time student Joanne Garside protested when she got a parking fine there.

A warden slapped her with a ticket for failing to leave her Fiat Punto inside a marked bay.

Angry Joanne, 23, from Mount, claimed the lines were so faint on the non-tarmac surface that she did not see them.

Today, Kirklees Council did not reveal if its new work is connected with her complaints.

A spokesman said the resurfacing would be done in stages to lessen disruption, but some spaces would be unavailable.

He said spaces were usually available in Cambridge Road car park.

The spokesman added: "During the period of work motorists can also use 70 spaces on the top storey of the bus station car park all day for £2.80, which is the same price as all day in Springwood."

Drivers with contract parking permits for Springwood can also park on the same level.