A man badly hurt as snow brought chaos to Huddersfield remains seriously ill in hospital a week on.

Richard Mallinson, 38, of Linthwaite, was airlifted to hospital with multiple injuries after he was hit by a car which skidded on snow and ice on a steep hill.

He underwent six hours of surgery on head injuries and is today still detained in the neuro-surgical intensive care unit at Leeds General Infirmary.

Family and friends are at his bedside and his mother, Jane Mallinson, said: “We are taking it a day at a time”.

Mr Mallinson, who works for the Crown Prosecution Service, was hurt last Thursday morning in Causeway Side, Linthwaite, when he was struck by a car sliding down the snow-covered road.

Mr Malinson was heading to try and catch a bus to work from a bus stop in Manchester Road as the worst snow of the winter hit town.

Rescuers called to the scene called in the Yorkshire Air Ambulacne to help get him to hospital quickly and the aircraft landed in a nearby field.

Mr Mallinson had suffered serious head injuries, a broken jaw, a broken shoulder and fractured ribs.

Miss Mallinson, of Ridgeways, Linthwaite, said: “Witnesses told me the car skidded into him and he was thrown up into the air. What made it worse was that he was thrown headfirst into a stone gatepost which caused the head injuries.

“I was at work and saw the Air Ambulance fly in and then take off but never thought anything of it. There were rumours it was someone called Simon who had been hurt but two hours after the accident, I learned it was Richard.

“We have been at the hospital every day. He was taken into the operating theatre on Thursday afternoon and was in there for six hours while they put a metal plate in his head.

“He has had difficulty breathing and has been on a machine to do that for some of the time.

“The doctors have told me he is very poorly and he is likely to be in hospital for some time”.

Mr Mallinson has a sister, Charlotte.