Temperatures are on the rise with the weather set to turn decidedly spring-like next week.

And for Monday we could see it warming up even more with temperatures heading firmly into double figures.

Examiner weatherman Paul Stevens said: “Winds are coming up from west of Spain travelling north, there’s not a lot of moisture, making it pleasantly warm today at around 9C.

Examiner weatherman Paul Stevens.

“It’s about two or three degrees above normal for this time of year but not particularly exceptional.

“By the weekend it will stay mild with dribs and drabs of rain occasionally on the Pennines but nothing too wet.

“By Monday a light to gentle southerly breeze will lift temperatures to 13C, for just the one day if there’s no low cloud.

“That’s double where temperatures should be at this time of year.

“By Tuesday temperatures should return to normal for this time of year.”

And the warmer weather has brought the first flowers of spring.

Paul added: “We’re seeing snowdrops and crocus due to the sunshine. We would have seen them even earlier if it wasn’t for the dry conditions.

“This winter we’ve had half the normal rainfall we usually see which has slowed things down a little.”