STUDENT drop-out numbers have reached one in four at Huddersfield University.

Figures show that 25% aren't completing their degrees.

At university the work often gets much harder and more in-depth than school and college courses - and that culture shock is confounded by the stress of greater money worries.

With proposed top-up fees, the financial pinch could be even more acute and there's also the stress of leaving home and managing newfound independence.

Teenagers away from their parents for the first time aren't the only ones who struggle.

John Ramsdin, spokesman for Huddersfield University, thinks many mature students drop out because they feel they cannot afford to stay.

He said: "Depending on their backgrounds, many mature students have given up a livelihood so that they can return to education."

Those who try to struggle through sometimes take on part-time jobs to help cover the cost of accommodation, course fees and other expenses - and their coursework can suffer as a result.

Kat Haralabidis, vice-president of Huddersfield University's Students Union said: "Part time jobs can mean working more than 20 hours per week.

"Add to this going to lectures and coursework and it's understandable that students feel under pressure."

Another reason why students drop out is that they chose the wrong course.

Mr Ramsdin said: "Some people leave because they don't get to study some of the areas that they thought they would."

So what's next, after deciding to quit? A gap year is a popular buffer zone.

Many choose to take time out to decide what they really want to do.

And they don't all head off with a backpack to explore the world. Many tend to find jobs to save money so that they can better support themselves through university when the time comes.

A break from education, though, can backfire. A year out can create what Mr Ramsdin calls a "lack of confidence" where returning students suddenly feel out of their depth.

The university does its best to help strugglers. Mr Ramsdin said: "We do employ personal tutors as safety nets for any students who need help.

"But when problems grow and grow it can be often difficult - and then they feel the easiest thing to do is walk away.

"We try to help break down these problems so that students can resolve them - and remain on their courses."

Kat said: "At the Students' Union we have an advice centre that offers students guidance, help and support with any issues surrounding university and life in general."

Other issues that can affect dropout rates include cultural problems and family commitments.

Personal setbacks such as depression and an inability to cope with workloads while living away from home can also be reasons for leaving a course.

Kat said: "It is sometimes a combination of factors that lead to a student quitting their course."

Huddersfield students, however, have more staying power than many others.

The highest dropout rate in the country is at London Metropolitan University and it stands at 38%.