A Vigil will take place in Huddersfield in memory of Nelson Mandela.

Huddersfield residents are organising the vigil to take place at Nelson Mandela Corner, at the rear of Huddersfield Library.

It will take place on Sunday, December 15 – the day of Nelson Mandela’s funeral in South Africa.

The vigil will begin with a reading at sunset – 3.51pm – and will last for 95 minutes, one minute for ever year of his life. Tim Padmore, one of the organisers, said: “Nelson Mandela means a great deal to people of all parts of our community. Our council, like many others across the country, showed respect to Nelson Mandela by naming this corner after him while he was still in prison. The purpose of the vigil is for people to come together, show respect and celebrate the life of this great man.

“We would really appreciate help with offering readings, prayers, songs and reflections.

“We want all people to feel included in having an opportunity to show their respects.” To get involved email organisers at vigilmandela@hotmail.co.uk.

Prince at Funeral – P8