TEMPERATURES were warmer than usual last month in Huddersfield.

Weather watchers at Huddersfield University recorded an average temperature of 46.85ºF (8.25ºC) in November - up from the usual 45.7ºF (7.62ºC).

The warmest day was Saturday, November 6 when the temperature averaged 53.78ºF (12.1ºC). The coldest day was Saturday, November 20, when it dipped to 32.9ºF (0.5ºC).

A total of 1.6in (41.6mm) of rain was recorded during the month compared to the average of 2.7in (69.1mm).

The wettest day was Thursday, November 18, with 0.5in (13mm) - 31% of the monthly total.

Only nine days escaped any rain, despite the low figures.

The highest gust of wind was recorded at 49.8mph (80.23 km per hour) on Thursday, November 4.