Zulus came to Almondbury High School and took the place by storm.

The Mighty Zulu Nation Theatre Company wowed pupils and staff with a powerful spectacle of traditional Zulu culture.

Dressed in national costume, they gave a thrilling hour-long performance of dance sequences accompanied by Zulu drums.

The event was part of Almondbury High’s celebration of Black History Month and was organised by assistant headteachers Mary-Jo Daly and Sandra Quarmby.

It was followed by workshops throughout the day, which culminated in a 230-pupil performance of Zulu song and dance.

Mrs Quarmby said: “It was an absolutely brilliant day. The school has a long tradition of cross-curricular event days where we suspend the timetable so pupils and staff can work together to do something a little different.

“Events like this enrich the curriculum and provide pupils with refreshing and unforgettable learning experiences.”

Ndosi Cele is leader of the five-strong theatre company, set up in Huddersfield 31 years ago. She said: “Students often don’t know what to expect at first, but after participating in all the workshops, by the end of the day they perform with confidence and you can tell they’re enjoying it.”

Students have continued their black history studies with a visit to the National Museum of Slavery in Liverpool and research into inspirational historical black figures.