Studying at The Creative & Media Studio School is unlike any other high school in the country. Our students are able to learn through a mix of academic and vocational subjects in a unique environment, where businesses and students work side by side.

Kirklees has a thriving creative and media sector, with over 1400 companies operating in the area along with many more across the borders into Bradford, Leeds, Wakefield and Calderdale.

At the Studio School, we offer our students the chance to apply what they learn in their BTEC and GCSE studies, to real briefs that are set by associated businesses and charities.

This equips the students with the required skills that a) meet the needs of employers, b) helps them achieve high academic success and c) set up and run their own successful business.

Available Subjects

You can join the Creative & Media Studio School in either Year 10 or Year 12.

Year 10 students study a vocational qualification at level 2 alongside GCSEs, whilst Year 12 students specialise in a vocational qualification at level 3 as well as studying a business qualification and possibly an ‘A’ level as well.

Vocational qualifications can be studied in:

Creative Arts & Media

• BTEC in Creative & Media Production (Level 2 & 3)

• BTEC in Art & Design (Level 2 & 3)

• BTEC in Graphic Design (Level 2 & 3)

Performing Arts

• BTEC in Music
(Level 2 & 3)

• BTEC in Acting
(Level 2 & 3)

Fashion & Textiles

• BTEC in Fashion
(Level 3)

• BTEC in Textiles
(Level 2 & 3)

In addition, all students will also study a BTEC qualification in Business & Enterprise and have the option of studying an ‘A’ Level such as English Language. The school also offers a comprehensive enrichment programme which includes personal coaching and working with host businesses.

On leaving the Creative & Media Studio School, students will have a variety of pathways available to them including entering the local job market, going on to university, or starting their own business.

For more information contact the School on 01484 221892 or visit