IT COULD, quite possibly, be a record.

More than a thousand residents have told Kirklees Council that they do not want two 47.5 metres tall wind turbines to be installed at Grange Moor.

Residents have objected on a variety of levels.

They think that the planned turbines are too close to houses and a play area, that they would create noise pollution, spoil the view of the area and would distract passing motorists on the nearby Wakefield Road.

Doubtless individuals feel more concerned about some of these points than about others.

But what they all seem to share is a strength of feeling which has motivated 1,002 people to gather their thoughts and write to the council whose sub-committee will consider the plans tomorrow.

Wind power remains a contentious issue as does the siting of individual turbines.

It is quite possible that some of those who object to putting two huge turbines behind the Kaye Arms pub support the theory of harnessing one of our island’s most powerful natural assets.

It may well be that their complaint is purely that in this case and in their view, the siting planned for these turbines is simply not appropriate.

That is a judgement that the members of the Heavy Woollen Planning sub-committee will rule on tomorrow.

The strength of argument laid down before them should make this a real test of the planning procedures and one that will be watched closely, not least by neighbouring Birdsedge where villagers are fighting their own turbine battle.