I HAVE been operating a humane urban wildlife deterrence service in London and the South-East for 10 years and have studied foxes for 40.

It is rare, but not entirely unknown, for foxes to attack very small dogs and even cats if they perceive them as a threat to newborn cubs or rivals for valuable features within their territory.

What I find odd about Maureen Donnelly’s story (Mailbag February 27) is that although she knew two or three foxes visit her garden several times a night she left a “miniature Yorkshire terrier” (which can’t but much bigger than a guinea-pig!) unattended in the garden.

Unfortunately Maureen is out of my call-out area, but if she cares to call me on 01732 357355 I can perhaps provide her with some useful free advice on how to deter foxes without resorting to cruel or lethal action.

John Bryant

Humane Urban Wildlife Deterrence, 6 Royal Avenue, Tonbridge. Kent TN9 2DA .