How well do you know Huddersfield? Try our Boxing Day quiz and test your knowledge of your hometown.

Do you know know all there is to know about Huddersfield or have you been walking round with your eyes closed?

We've complied question about local celebrities, landmarks, sports stars, Huddersfield's history, telly and more for a fun challenge.

So why not gather the family and have a go - how many will you get right between you?

Try our Huddersfield trivia quiz:

Question -1 of 15 Score -0 of 0
Which Huddersfield celebrity has 90,000 Facebook followers and had her portrait hung in the town's railway station in November?

Don't forget to share your score on Facebook and Twitter!

Whatever your score, one thing's for sure - Huddersfield has got plenty to be proud of.

Fancy more quizzes this Christmas? Take a look at the list below...