THERE are many reasons to be miserable at the moment.

We all know the weather’s rubbish, the job and housing market are struggling and there’s not much money about.

Sometimes it’s not easy to see the good things in life – and to recognise that we’re luckier than most.

But on Thursday night the Examiner did its bit to show you just how fantastic Huddersfield can be.

Our Community Awards packed out the banqueting suite at the John Smith’s Stadium with people who demonstrate why our area is a great place to be.

I know newspapers get a rough ride and people say ‘It’s all bad news’ within their pages.

Despite being oft repeated, that’s not actually true.

Newspapers work hard to showcase the good things and people making a difference in their community.

If we didn’t no-one would buy our product – it’d be an unremitting tale of crime and misery.

What we in the trade call a ‘granny scarer’.

And the last thing we want is Huddersfield’s grannies hiding behind the sofa, in fear of the paperboy’s tread with that day’s edition of the Examiner.

On Thursday night we saw young people whose friend Huw Thatcher died suddenly at the age of 15 start a fundraising campaign in his memory which has raised tens of thousands of pounds for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust.

Fantastic Theo Carnie won the Courage Award and was one of the stars of the show. The four-year-old has a rare bowel condition which means he’s allergic to food and has to receive nutrition intravenously 22 hours a day from tubes leading to a special backpack.

Despite all this and hospital stays, operations and more Theo is determined to get on with life. His favourite person is TV chef Jamie Oliver.

Usmaan Saleem won the Student Community Award for his voluntary work. Despite being just 18 the Huddersfield New College student volunteers three or four nights a week at Springwood Central Youth Club as well as giving up holidays to help children with autism.

These are young people who destroy the myth that our communities are slowly de-evolving into disparate areas with people who neither know or care about each other. They show that young people are no different from people like you and I; they are in the main good and want to help those around them.

There are groups, like the winners of the Community Event award, the Mirfield Show team, who prove there are people who despite having day jobs and responsibilities work hard with no thanks to provide something for others to enjoy.

The same goes for countless other winners in our awards.

It’s humbling to read about people who give so much of themselves for others.

The biggest cheers of the night came for the soldiers from our own 3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment.

We all know that lads from here went to Afghanistan full of life, smiles and good wishes and some came back in coffins draped with the Union flag, leaving a hole in the lives of their families and friends.

But beyond the headlines, Capt Ian Martin explained why recognition afforded by Huddersfield via our awards, was vital.

“It was so important to see the support we had when faced with the sad task of conducting funerals for our fallen brothers in arms but also for the support we had when Corunna Company marched through the town,” he said.

“The Regiment is very much a community, a family, and for the lads from Huddersfield it is heartening to know they have this support from back home.”

This support from back home. Just think about that.

You’re thousands of miles away from friends, family and the comforts of the everyday life we take for granted.

And the thought of Huddersfield and the people, buildings, events, smells, views, sounds and more helps you through.

I don’t think some places in the UK have that level of community any more.

But Huddersfield has – and that’s something we should protect, nurture and celebrate.