Look out for some of the new coloured varieties with purple, orange and green heads and interesting ones such as Romanesco with green pointed florets.

WHEN was the last time that you had a piece of raw cauliflower with a garlic dip or a large dish of crispy steaming cauliflower cheese to tuck into?

For me, our humble cauliflower is one of the best spring and autumn vegetables to eat and that is why I have left it until the end of my series on my favourite vegetables.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading them and that you and your family may have been encouraged to grow and eat them a little more than previously.

So, where does this strange, hard, clustered flower originate from? This seems to be shrouded in mystery but it certainly started life in Mediterranean climates, perhaps more that 2,000 years ago.

Its modern popularity seems to start in the 18th Century and it is now grown both domestically and commercially across much of Europe, America and Asia.


As there are varieties available to mature at almost any time of year you like, the actual timing of each operation is dependant upon which variety you choose. However, getting a seed to the right stage and condition for planting out is universal.

Start by using a normal multi-purpose or seed compost and cellular trays and sow seeds in each prepared cell – this ensures that roots are not disturbed and watering and feeding can be more controlled than in open soil or a seed tray.

If you do not have protected growing facilities, most varieties can also be sown in an outdoor seed bed, using a cloche to speed up the growing of young transplants if required.

Keep young plants growing strongly to prevent them from running to seed later and always plant firmly to help produce tight, solid curds.

Plant in well-prepared ground and water well until established. Protect from aphid and cabbage butterfly attacks with a fleece tunnel.


The three main groups of true cauliflowers are early summer (planted in autumn or spring), summer (planted in spring) and autumn (planted in early summer) and includes broccoli types.

In recent years new cultivars from Italy and Portugal have become popular.

Look out for some of the new coloured varieties with purple, orange and green heads and interesting ones such as Romanesco with green pointed florets.

AS I am fond of strong cheese and cauliflower, I thought that you might like to try this delicious dish to two people.

Cauliflower, broccoli & mature cheddar gratin


250g broccoli, cut into small florets

250g cauliflower, cut into small florets

100g half-fat crème fraîche

50g mature cheddar , grated, plus extra to grill

a small bunch chives , chopped


1. Steam the broccoli and cauliflower until just tender, about 5-6 minutes. Mix the crème fraîche, cheese and chives and toss with the veg.

2. Pile into 2 small ovenproof dishes and top with a handful more cheese. Grill until golden.

Starting on November 15th, I will running a new monthly series of articles on herbs: their history, cultivation, values and uses.

I look forward to hearing from you about your favourite herbs and how you use them in your home.

Write to me at Graham’s Garden Herbs, Features Office, Huddersfield Daily Examiner, Queen Street South, Huddersfield, HD4 3DU