THE usual advice about planting willows in our smaller domestic gardens is not to bother as they can invade water pipes, drains and sewers, with all the subsequent problems that this gives.

Unfortunately, this thinking then excludes all willows, assuming that they all create the same problems.

For the Salix alba hybrids that give us some stunning winter bark colour, there are no major issues unless you allow them to develop into a large tree or plant one directly next to a sewer or drain and, planted in a corner of the garden that receives the delicate rays of winter sunshine, they can add a bright splash of colour to an otherwise subdued garden.

To help exaggerate the intensity of bark colour, they should be coppiced /stooled every springtime to stimulate vigorous new growth over summer but, at the same time restrict the spread of their roots.

You might consider using the cut stems that may be upwards of 2 metres (6’) in length for weaving baskets or willow sculptures.

You can also add willows to mixed hedges to add a winter bark colour effect.

If you choose to let them grow for a few years before cutting them down, you will also have the additional pleasure of the willow flowers in spring.

Leave Salix alba caerulea for 50 years and you could be making your own cricket bats!!

S. a. ‘Britzensis’ (syn. Chermesina), the Scarlet Willow, is one of the best for winter bark colour, with orange-scarlet bark on first and second year wood. Look out for S. a. vittelina hybrids with their yellow shoots and S. a. ‘Tristis’ (syn S. x sepucralis chrysocoma) also with yellowish shoots. Other species worth searching for include the various forms of the Purple Osier, Salix purpurea and Salix x rubens.

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