A PERSONALISED number plate is God’s way of telling people they have too much money.

I’ve never seen the point of a spending a fat wad of bills on something that spells out your name or initials (badly) for all road users to see.

Even if I had an urge to withdraw my cash and set it alight – at least that would keep you warm for a minute – I still wouldn’t buy one.

I don’t want other motorists knowing, or even guessing, what my name is. It just gives them more ammunition for abuse should they take a dislike to my driving.

But what really irritates me is the abundance of illegal personalised registration plates on the road.

They include plates with illegally spaced letters, screws in funny places to make false letters, plates with silly fonts and plates with tiny letters that make them harder to read.

There’s a current trend towards black and white plates and while they are more aesthetically pleasing, they’re illegal on cars registered after 1973.

On Tuesday I was overtaken by a £300,000 supercar with a plate which broke at least two of those rules. Let’s hope he has enough dosh left to pay the fine when he’s pulled over.

There tends to be a correlation between personalised registration plates and bad driving. Prudent spending and smart driving often go hand-in-hand, and those who flash their cash on overpriced pieces of plastic, aren’t usually the most considerate of motorists.

There’s a fair chance that the loser tailgating you in the fast lane of the motorway will have a personalised plate.

Most contemptible however is a number plate spray which is supposed to reflect the flashes of speed cameras thus making it impossible to identify the vehicle.

So you can drive as fast and as recklessly as you want and if you hit and kill someone, who cares? It’s your road and they shouldn’t have been in the way.

Thankfully the spray, if it even works, will be illegal by the end of the year.