During World War II more than 3.5m people, mainly children, were evacuated to the countryside away from cities.

During World War II more than 3.5m people, mainly children, were evacuated to the countryside away from cities.

The evacuation was called Operation Pied Piper and began in September 1939.

The evacuation was called Operation Pied Piper and began in September 1939.

By January 1940 up to 60% of the first wave of evacuees had returned home but in the summer months many were re-evacuated.

By January 1940 up to 60% of the first wave of evacuees had returned home but in the summer months many were re-evacuated.

When the Blitz began in September 1940 there was another mass evacuation but by the end of 1941 the situation was judged to be much safer and many children returned home.

When the Blitz began in September 1940 there was another mass evacuation but by the end of 1941 the situation was judged to be much safer and many children returned home.

The third wave of evacuation began in June 1944 when the Germans began firing V1 and then V2 rockets. As many as 1m people were sent from London alone.

The third wave of evacuation began in June 1944 when the Germans began firing V1 and then V2 rockets. As many as 1m people were sent from London alone.