Once upon a time, I  was left handed. This  was imposed upon me  because I developed what is called  a trigger thumb on my right hand  which made it unusable for the sort  of tasks you take for granted.

 Like crumbling an Oxo into a pan  when making gravy. (I like gravy).  Or shaking hands.

This often brought me funny looks  when I offered my left. Try it. It  looks like your holding hands  rather than shaking, which is not  very manly. And when I explained  to strangers: “I have a trigger  thumb”, there were those who may  have thought I was a hitman taking  care of my professional digits.

Being naturally right handed, I  found it difficult at first but easier  with practice. I was capable of  using the left for many things  although I never attempted to  write with a pen. I used a computer  keyboard and typed with two  fingers.

I recall this three or four month  period because this is Left Handers  Day, which has been celebrated  since 1976. The need for such a day  may be viewed as slight until you  realise that most items are made  for the 90% of us who are right  handed: scissors, tin opener,  guitars, golf clubs, rulers and lots  more, and because prejudice  remains, unnoticed, in our  vocabulary.

The French word for left, for  instance, is gauche which also  means awkward. A left handed  compliment is one that can be  interpreted as derisive.

People may say someone who is  clumsy has two left feet, which is  an attribute some football teams  would love to discover in a player.  Usually a player favours either his  right or left foot and uses the other  one only to stand on.

The prejudice has been around for  a long time. In some societies,  being left handed was viewed not  just as a disability, but as a mark of  Satan.

Italian Cesare Lombroso  (1835-1909), the father of  modern criminology, said it  was a sign that a person  had biologically regressed  to a more primitive and  savage mentality.

“Left-handedness, united to  many other traits, may  contribute to form  one of the worst  characters among  the human species.”

By heck, condemned for being a  Southpaw.

Historically, left handed children  were beaten to force them to use  their right. In school, their left was  often tied behind their back to  encourage right handedness.  There are reports that this still  happened in the West as  recently as the 1960s.

The Left-Handers Club was  formed in 1990 and provides  a help and advice line,  promotes research  into  left-handedness  and  development of left-handed items.

And the 10% who are lefties,  should take comfort from the fact  that many of their number have  been high achievers, from  Alexander the Great to Barack  Obama (inset), Michaelangelo to  Paul McCartney, Tom Cruise to  Angelina Jolie. Not forgetting, of  course, Kermit the Frog. And in  The Simpsons,  Bart Simpson is a  leftie and  Ned Flanders actually  runs a shop  called The Leftorium.

I still occasionally offer my left  mitt for a handshake. It’s worth it  for the funny looks I get from  startled men.