A DRIVE is under way to improve the "green" credentials of Huddersfield's manufacturers.

A new project offers companies a free assessment of their operations - as a first step to cutting waste and reducing costs.

The project is being run by environmental advice experts at Halifax-based Urban Mines and the Government-funded Manufacturing Advisory Service.

The link-up means that companies will be able to use MAS funding and grants to get specialist help from Urban Mines to improve their environmental performance.

Steve Goodare, business manager for Urban Mines, said: "Most business leaders we talk to are worried by the spiralling costs of waste, energy and water. Legislation is also an issue."

Mr Goodare said firms were also under increasing pressure from customers to improve their environmental credentials.

Businesses were being asked to prove their environmental record - for example by adopting the ISO 14001 environmental management systems standard.

Said Mr Goodare: "The message is clear. One way or another, `the environment' is going to affect all manufacturing companies - even those that currently don't feel any pressure.

"Businesses of all types and sizes need to be environmentally aware to be truly successful. The upside is that enlightened businesses have lower operating costs and higher profits."

Urban Mines has helped firms in sectors such as retailing, manufacturing and construction improve their environmental management and get to grips with the latest environmental legislation.

Contact Urban Mines on info@urbanmines.org.uk or phone 01274 699400.